79 assays found tagged with Curve fit

Linear Quantification

Calculates the concentration of samples from a calibration curve of the standards plotted against their absorbance values. The concentration for each well is calculated from the absorbance value, constants from the linear regression and the specified dilution factors. y-int and slope are obtained from the log-regression fit of the calibration data. Measurements outside the range of the standards are highlighted in yellow.

Biotinidase Activity

Calculation of Biotinidase Enzyme Activity from absorbance measurements made at 550nm. The substrate blank (well B1 in the default layout) is corrected by the reagent blank (well A1 in the default layout). The standards and the blanks are corrected by the reagent blank. The unknowns are corrected by their own blank which has also been corrected by the corrected substrate blank. The activity of each unknown is measured from the standard curve using linear regression.

DELFIA Thyroxine (T4)

Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of total human thyroxine (T4) in serum.


Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of human alpha-fetoprotein (hAFP) in serum.

Correlate-EIA Corticosterone

A competitive immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Corticosterone (also referred to as Kendall's Compound B and Reichstein Substance B) in biological fluids.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) ELISA

Calculates the concentration of unknown LH in human serum samples from a calibration curve of the standards plotted against absorbance measurements at 450nm. Sample measurements are blank corrected.

3rd Order Polynomial

Quantitative analysis of samples using 3rd order polynomial regression. All samples are first corrected by the mean of the blank group measurements. The standard data points are plotted (concentration vs. corrected measurement) and 3rd order polynomial regression is applied to these points. The concentrations of the unknown samples are determined from the fit. To avoid ambiguous results (which can occur from turning points) extrapolation is not used with this method, i.e. concentration values will only be found within the range of the standards.

Linearized Quantification

Linearized quantification of sample concentrations for enzyme immunoassay (EIA). This uses the linearized method which plots logit B/B0 versus log concentration using a linear fit. Sample positions with %B/B0 values greater than 80% or less than 20% are highlighted in yellow. These samples should be re-assayed as they generally fall out of the linear range of the standard curve.

NA-Star Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitor Resistance

Determines the IC50 value of the neuraminidase inhibitor with each viral isolate, using nonlinear curve-fitting, dose-response analysis for the NA-StarĀ® Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitor Resistance Detection Kit.


Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for the quantitative determination of endogenous asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in serum or plasma.
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