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kinetic area under curve

A luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay for the assessment of the phagocytosis of erythrocytes sensitised with IgG immunoglobulin by mononuclear leukocytes. Based on Downing I., Templeton J.G., Mitchell R. & Fraser R.H. (1990). A Chemiluminescence Assay for Erythrophagocytosis. J. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 5, 243-250.

The analysis calculates the mean area under each chemiluminescence response curve. The Opsonic Index (OI) is calculated as follows:

OI = area under curve of sample / area under curve of its corresponding blank control

An OI < 1.2 is indicative of a negative result.

In order to verify that the assay has been successful and the results are acceptable the analysis validates that the test sample identified as the Positive Control has an OI greater than 2.0 (in this case OI= mean area under Positive Control / mean area under Negative Control). This will appear in the report as pass or fail.



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Run Notes

Assay design Downing I., Templeton J.G., Mitchell R. & Fraser R.H. (1990). A Chemiluminescence Assay for Erythrophagocytosis. J. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 5, 243-250.