Point-to-Point ELISA

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Quantitative analysis of samples using point-to-point.

This analysis optionally includes a background correction step. If a blank group is included on your layout, the mean of the blank replicates is first subtracted from the raw data measurements (the corrected values are then used in the fit).

The standard data points (concentration vs. measurement) are plotted on linear axes and point-to-point is used to calculate the concentrations of the samples with any specified dilution factors applied.

The %CV, Standard Deviation and Standard Error are calculated for each replicated sample.

Samples outside the range of the standards or the fit (greater than the upper asymptote or below than the lower asymptote) are highlighted in yellow.



Supply your measurement data: Help
Help You can supply your raw data in two ways:
  1. Enter (or Paste) the raw data into the edit box. Use the same format as the example data (i.e. numbers separated by spaces). More...
  2. Select a data file on your computer and press Upload. Most raw data file formats are automatically recognised and processed. Formats not currently supported can be added very quickly. More...
After reviewing other analysis parameters press the Calculate button below to process your results.



Standard Concentrations


Dilution Factors


Sample IDs


Run Notes